



The 2022 International Conference on Everyday Aesthetics and Art Industry


  • 主辦單位:國立臺東大學、臺東縣政府
  • 承辦單位:國立臺東大學美術產業學系、臺東縣政府文化處、國立臺東大學美術產學中心


1.活動日期: 2022年11月11日(週五)8:20–17:00





      1. 生活美學發展促進策略
      2. 南島族群生活美學與其美術產業之永續發展
      3. 南島文創產業創新設計與發展議題
      4. 多角度詮釋南島環境、族群文化、生活記憶等議題
      5. 南島族群創作新思維與美術產業新興議題
      6. 在地文化產業推廣、創新與發展
      7. 原住民文化、藝術、工藝、美學
      8. 海洋文化的傳統與當代發展
      9. 在地美學新思維


  1. 論文摘要截稿日期:2022年09月25日(隨到隨審,摘要通過即可繳全文,公告日為 2022 年 9 月 30 日)
  2. 全文繳交截稿日期:2022年10月07日(隨後公告口頭發表或海報發表,議程公告日為 2022 年 10 月 14 日)
  3. 註冊報名截止日期:2022年11月01日
  4. 研討會網https://art.nttu.edu.tw/p/404-1026-71856.php?Lang=zh-tw 郵件主旨設為:《2022生活美學與美術產業國際學術研討會論文投稿》
  5. 檔案名稱設為:《摘要稿-論文題目》或《全文稿-論文題目》
  6. 投稿信箱:doainttu@gm.nttu.edu.tw


  1. 聯絡人︰柯良志老師、周夢嬋助教
  2. 聯絡電話︰+886-89-318855轉5715
  3. E-MAILdoainttu@gm.nttu.edu.tw
  4. 報名方式:一律採線上網路報名。報名網址: https://art.nttu.edu.tw/p/404-1026-71856.php?Lang=zh-tw


  1. 摘要:
      1. 本會採摘要審稿,由學者專家依中文摘要或英文摘要進行評審,採隨到隨審方式進行,並請於報名表上註明欲參加之發表類別(口頭發表/海報發表),作者論文發表類別由本會依據審稿結果進行最終認定。
      2. 摘要內容編排應請依APA格式︰單行間距,字體︰題目(16)、作者姓名/服務單位(12)、摘要(標題14;內文 12)、關鍵詞(12),以300-500字為限,請用標楷體繕打(如附件一)。

摘要必須回應出完整的論文,內容應包括︰目的(Purpose)、方法(Methods)、結果(Results)、結論(Conclusion),以一段式呈現,並含5個以內之關鍵詞(Key words)


The 2022 International Academic Conference on Everyday Aesthetics and Art Industry

Tracks Beyond the Archipelago:

The Aesthetic Perspectives of Austronesian Peoples

  1. Create a space and vehicle for scholars, students, artists, and other creators to creatively collaborate and combine efforts
  2. Raise the global profile of the local Art Industry discipline
  3. Further and develop new perspectives and avenues of research for the diverse parties and creators in the Art Industry community
  4. Establish a platform for the academic and material exchange of ideas and methods in the Art Industry
  5. Cultivate a sense of community and identity for Taiwanese and Pacific youth in general
  6. Promote awareness and appreciation of Austronesian art and cultural history
  7. Support and encourage the cultural and artistic community in the east of Taiwan

The 2022 Conference will continue our tradition of furthering the exchange of ideas

New thoughts on local aesthetics


  1. Deadline for abstracts: September 25, 2022 (The full text can be submitted after the abstract is approved. The announcement date is September 30, 2022.)
  2. Deadline for final paper submission: October 7, 2022. The organizer will then announce the method of publication: full paper or poster. The agenda announcement date is October 14, 2022.
  3. Registration Deadline: November 1, 2022
  4. How to apply: Please download the document at the end of this page, fill it out and send it to the department's mailbox.
  5. Symposium website: https://art.nttu.edu.tw/p/404-1026-71856.php?Lang=zh-tw.
  6. The email's subject is: "Submission of Papers for the 2022 International Academic Conference on Everyday Aesthetics and Art Industry."
  7. Please set the file name as "Abstract Manuscript: Title" or "Full Manuscript: Title."
  8. Submission email: doainttu@gm.nttu.edu.tw

Promoter: National Taitung University, Taitung County Government

 Organizer: Department of Art Industry in National Taitung University, Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department, Art Industry-Academia Collaboration Center of National Taitung University

Event Date: November 11, 2022 (Friday) 8:20–17:00

Venue: Auditorium and Conference room of Taitung Arts and Culture Center


  1. Contacts: Assistant Professor Ko Liangchih, assistant of the department office Zhou Mengchan
  2. Contact number: +886-89-318855 ext. 5716
  3. E-MAIL: doainttu@gm.nttu.edu.tw
分類: 本系公告

