

1. Foster diverse professional capacities to create art: Foster professional talent into having basic artistic creation capacities, unique insights into the trends, adjustment to the currency as well as the fluctuation of artistic markets.

2. Professional capacities to integrate information technology with art: With the mindset of the information technology era as well as the integration of cutting-edge technology and digital media to educate talent into specialized digital art professionals in order to explore art industry markets and to make creative products industrialized and internationalized.

3. Combine and develop graphics with the digital industry: The combination of graphics with the digital industry plus teaching and research resources from The Graduate Institute of Children’s Literature of National Taitung University help the new industrial area of graphic creation and appreciation to expand academic authority.

4. The infusion of graphic art industry of eastern Taiwan aboriginals: There are six major aboriginal ethnic groups in Taitung, and with the application of diverse and abundant cultural heritage from various ethnic groups, support from local government and units of research and promotion, ethnic features have been created for the graphic art industry.
